December Update: XOOT_Pro have arrived to the U.S, Beta Testing and Store Opening details

Hey guys, happy new yearThe first shipment of XOOT_Pros has arrived and is sitting in the distribution warehouse outside of Seattle. Several units were taken to XOOT central and they were disassembled and fully inspected. Everything looked good.   Now the Beta Test has started. Unfortunately, two testers have reported a manufacturing defect. These units…

Screen Rotation Update 2.0

We’re ready to order parts to test our rotation mechanism.   The picture above shows the rotation mechanism on the back of a Cintiq Pro 32.   It took a lot of refinement to achieve our design goals: Make it thin. When a XOOT system rotates the drawing screen to desk level the keyboard and…

Screen Rotation Update

Post SIGGRAPH: After getting back from SIGGRAPH I thought, screen rotation will be easy… “Just use a big roller bearing behind the screen and add a electromagnetic braking to control the spinning. Boom, Problem Solved!” Well….  It turns out making a ‘good’ design is a little more complicated. Usability The initial plan of using touch strips…

Can the XOOT System Rotate the Screen?

Updated after SIGGRAPH2019. While displaying a XOOT System at SIGGRAPH, the most commonly requested feature was to have the screen rotate. This changed our thinking from: A feature that should be supported. to A feature that must be supported, as soon as possible. In addition: When it was mentioned we would soon add screen rotation,…

New Prototype Assembly

The new prototype parts are in assembly has started. Assembly of a new prototype is not as simple as just putting the parts together.  We play very close attention how parts fit and operate.  If something isn’t right, it can take days of trouble-shooting.  This is more than just fixing the immediate issue but involves…

A Kit For Each Screen

The XOOT system is not an expensive stand that goes obsolete when a new screen model comes out. Instead, as newer screens come into the market, we will add Kits to support them. A Kit is a collection of parts for a specific screen model.  Initially, you will order a XOOT system with the Kit pre-installed. …