Why can’t the stand adjust up so that the screen is higher? It is not ergonomic at all when being used as a regular monitor. I have the cintiq 27 and it’s too low. I have the 30 spacer that came with my stand. I don’t think a 50 spacer will be enough as that’s only 20cm more. It needs to go up multiple inches so I’m not looking down all the time. Is there a way to pull the screen up higher? I am just not sure this will work for my workflow.
Here’s the plan for adding a stacker plate.
I’ve made the Staker Plate (CNC cut plastic, for strength), Stacker Guide (3D printed). They seem to fit well.
However, I had to order the M6-Threaded Rod and M6-Barrel Nuts. They should get in near the end of the week.
Once they get in, I’ll be able to test how will this arrangement works. More to come.
I don’t anticipate people ordering this setup that often. My plan is to make Stacker kits on an “as needed” basis. The M6 threaded rods will need to custom cut depending on the spacers that are combined.
Hello, “disappointed”
Would you have an idea of the spacers you would like to combine?